Pu'u Kukui Elementary
3700 Kehalani Mauka Parkway, Wailuku, HI 96793
Wellness Tip of the Week
Who doesn’t admire a generous person for all the good 🥰 things that they do? A little generosity goes a long way when it comes to taking good self-care 🌅 and helping improve body 💪 and mind 💆 wellness. What does that mean? Giving a gift to someone makes both parties feel better 🩷 , yet research shows that the generous act benefits the giver more than the recipient. Spending time ⏳ with others who need company or a compassionate ear is heartwarming 🪷 and an act of generosity with 😍 wellness rewards.
Nov. 6 - 22 - Kindness in Cans Food Drive
Nov. 20- Waiver Day (no school for students)
Nov. 28-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday (no school)
Dec. 6 - Leadership Day (invitation only)
Dec. 13 - Winter Jubilee 6:00pm-8:00pm
Leader in Me Seeks to:
Create a culture of trust and engagement.
Empower students to lead their own lives, and make a difference with others.
Provide students tools to better achieve goals.
Develop student voice.
"At Pu'u Kukui, we inspire a legacy of excellence by creating a safe, positive, and respectful learning ʻohana where we Believe, Achieve, and Lead."
"This institution is an equal opportunity provider."